He was alerted to these scandals in a letter byRev. The copper serpent witch the Israelites were instructed by G-D to look at in order to be healed, and lastly the parable to be wise as a serpent and harmless as a dove. The infant baptism thing is, to my understanding, derived from the high infant mortality rates they had in the early church. Found in unsealed Maxwell documents - This is big - The FBI was in contact with Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell's minor victim back in 2014. Remember the weird video from Howie Mandel from last week where he cuts the corners off the bag? All of the things you're not supposed to do, like killing and stealing etc. The overwhelming effect of Vosko's edifice is that it would be more serviceable as a showroom for upscale sports cars. Replaces "immunity" with "protection". The EO Church views statues as "graven images" whereas icons are "windows into Heaven" and just a reminder of how the saints persevered in Christ. Or is there a distinguishing pathology between Pharisees and "normal" jews, as there certainly was 2000 years ago? The Vatican snake, another proof the catholic church is satan's church! I like the mushroom at the end of your post. "St. Peter's Basilica"= St. Peter's Palace of the Basilisk (a basilisk is a "serpent king" ). Another unbiblical practice, IMHO. Because the only way you can take that picture is by either using panoramic mode or fish eye. That's why. The Vatican is at the center of ancient conspiracies. Just a 13 ton shipment of human hair. They found a stack of them and called me. Watch and share. "Harley Guy" - The genuine man on the street who somberly explains how the towers collapsed on the same day it happened. The OP is referring to the new-ish audience hall. https://steemitimages.com/DQmUWiNd3ASXS3zttFTezeFRKfVZretiX43BatLeakovbi9/Screenshot%20from%202017-04-24%2012-46-00.png, We really don't want the church to be built like a snake huh. Even entertaining the notion that this was the architects intention, that proves literally fucking nothing. They both criticized the Jews for their nature and were killed for it. I will speak for my experiences though. Also they where usually the ones educated, while the normal day citizen was not. The message on Sunday will be in parseltongue. Don't know why, but it does. Yeah dude, I remember my mind being blown wide open during lecture in my Art Appreciation class. If anything that symbology would have ingrained an absolute fear of helping your fellow man. Im grown up and have my own kids, and am not raising them in that tradition. Thats not a Jesus statue I believe. On a related note if you check out /r/DMT there are endless stories about meeting the "serpent" who is the center of the universe. Besides, you know, that little mass surveillance kerfuffle, he added. It says 555 feet. It is no accident that homosexuality and transgenderism is being pushed upon the world. Why did these Governors Defy Federal Guidelines and Put COVID-19 Patients into Ill-equipped Nursing Homes? The fire comes at a time when the US suffers from a severe shortage of eggs due to bird flu wiping out tens of millions of egg-laying hens. You have to pledge your allegiance and love to Jesus Christ when you are taken in. Nothing was taught, nothing was learned. Wow that's so cool. I love the humor in that show and Lucifer, despite initially being portrayed as cool and sexy comes up as severely flawed and narcissistic. For extra fun, notice that the Pope sits between the fangs, and speaks from the place where the forked tongue would be. Maybe I'm missing something, but I dont see anything snakelike about that statue. Someone else said it's shaped like a snake head because of acoustics, even though there's no other building needing good acoustics shaped like that. So he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness: and I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet coloured beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns. The serpent, the Pontiff clarified, is a "symbol of sin, the serpent that kills. Because it's distorted by the camera lens, probably House of Slytherin. No conspiracy here, they were simply studying the effects of fear on adrenal gland production. Because Crocodiles, Alligators, Komodo dragons and especially venomous snakes, are really scary. If you add to this the story of the Illuminati bloodlines and the theory that the global elite are part of a reptilian hybrid race on non-humans who rule over us with powerful institutions like the church, then the Popes Audience Hall invokes even more curiosity. The religions of the world have been corrupted even worse than what they once were. My problem with that is, why so much trouble in creating this symbolism? United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United States, Uzbekistan, Vanuatu, Vatican City State, Vietnam, Wallis and Futuna, Western Samoa, Yemen, Zambia, Zimbabwe . They're phonies. READ MORE. I'll admit, the resemblance is rather striking. Somebody go check the trunk of Klaus Schwabs car for empty gas cans and a partially used book of matches. Is Google is censoring text messages on Android phones? Who are the real cultists again? Twitter is now disabling the ability to share or even Like Trump's tweets. A new study of the monkey brain suggests that primates are uniquely adapted to recognize the features of this slithering threat and react in a flash. It looks absolutely insane, but I'm not seeing it. As we previously highlighted, Snowden chided the White Houses denial that it was involved in the pipeline attack by pointing out it also denied previous false flags. Way worse. Pulitzer Prize-winning journalistic legend Seymour Hersh penned a bombshell report exposing that, as many already suspected, the United States was behind the September sabotage bombing of the Nord Stream 2 pipeline in the Baltic Sea. 666) over one eye. A deeply entrenched enemy who controls the vast majority of communications is only defeated byGame theory. the room looks like a snake and the sculpture looks like hell hmmmm. Wow lol somebody actually gave money to reddit to support your lie. Lucifer is mentioned in that verse and then there's the break where it's talking about jesus. Hunter Biden still has a financial stake in BHR, which has in its portfolio the battery maker CATL - a global leader in lithium-ion battery development and manufacturing. Or do you remember when there was a pandemic with mandatory testing kits, and George Soros and Bill Gates just happened to create a COVID Rapid Test Kit company? The Common Bush Viper is a venomous snake that has almost a dragon like appearance. I was listening to Sam Tripolis Tin Foil Hat podcast the other day and he had on David Icke and Eddie Bravo and they talked a little about lizard people. I grew up going to church but stopped in my teens. No where in the Bible, for example, does it say one should pray to Saints. With that in mind, the fact that the Vatican created a building in the shaped of a giant reptile and the pope gives speeches from the beasts mouth is off-the-charts interesting. The fake news and clowns shilling against HCQ should have everyone totally infuriated. President Trump gave us the HCQ cure in March, but the deep state, MSM, and TDS infected morons would rather people DIE than for Trump to win a second term. Many here understand that Big Pharma drugs are made to create revenue streams, not cure or heal. Lucifer is also the name of the morning star in Latin I believe. Unreal indeed. READ MORE. aka satan. The Bible calls this type of behaviour necrophilia, or necromancy, and it is forbidden in both Testaments. The hair on the statue kinda looks like a reptilian head profile, with the mans face on its neck. Bill Binney was asked about Seth Rich in the AMA. So you get big distractions in the form of world wars. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_VI_Audience_Hall, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TlAoOtatzzY. And not only that, look *what* is redacted. I grew up in a very Catholic household. The name of the pineal gland comes from its pinecone-like shape. The national media won't cover it, so here's a list of who have been caught so far. Beware the false prophet. NIH confirms Wuhan lab is authorized to receive US taxpayer funding right after a German study concludes that Corona came from a lab in Wuhan. I never went to a Latin church, so I cant speak to that. Perhaps most common is the portrayal of the serpent as an enemy in general, or as Satan in particular., is the earth-bound incarnation of that familiar part of our timeless cosmic selves, the rebel within. These things are no shock to me. Everything goes back to the reptile. Someone else said it's shaped like a snake head because of acoustics, even though there's no other building needing good acoustics shaped like that. You're right about the fact that they infiltrated the Catholic church. Anyone see a pattern here, or is it just me? Pope Francis In Poland Tells World Famous Photographer I Am The Devil Then Laughs It Off. I am old enough to remember when Joe Biden promised he was going to take out the Nord Stream 2 Pipeline if Russia invaded Ukraineso why is he denying it now? TPTB love to mock their intended targets by showing in plain site what they are about. The snake in xtianity can represent 3 things, however, #1. . Father Martin says the book, while fictional, is based on true events. The Vatican, while located in Rome, is it's own sovereign nation state, and a look around the grounds reveals unimaginable wealth and a plethora of strangely symbolic pieces. FROM ARCVISION PRIZE:Commissioned by Pope Paul VI in 1963, the Papal Audience Hall in Vatican City was inaugurated in 1971. In our country something is going on and no one is telling us anything. Are they trying to mock us? Both from the stage, and from the audiences entry way, the room unmistakably resembles a snake, even though some write this off as delusional thinking, warning people away from considering its deeper meaning. One of my favourite movie scenes from childhood is this one, the end scene in Sister Act 2, where the choir performs the big finale "Joyful Joyful". He was but a man that lived and died like any other. Ive seen this picture a few times on this sub. Among the many strange and suspicious statues, fountains, facades and structures that occupy Vatican City, the Popes Audience Hall stands out for its uncanny resemblance to a snake. Vatican City and St. Peters Basilica were built on the ancient pagan site called in Latin vaticanus mons or vaticanus colli, which means hill or mountain of prophecy. Im not myself catholic, but I know a decent bit about the church. Giger to design it! The disgusting statue by Fazzini, mocking entitled The Resurrection, actually shows Jesus Christ becoming a reptile, and thus re-writing the biblical prophecy made by God that Satan loses to Jesus at the Second Coming. And they are. Wasn't it fruit from the 'tree of knowledge'? I think Jesus would understand the situation. No wonder people are skeptical of mail in voting.". How many of these companies and agencies, etc, used this SolarWind software [KNOWINGLY]? Your fear makes you pay close attention to most details. And I agree with that. My, what an AMAZING coincidence to see, in the middle of an egg shortage, the largest supplier of chickens eggs, Hillendale Farms, burn to the ground. Yesterday, the White House denied that the objects were extraterrestrial in nature, although the glib dismissal if anything only continued to feed into speculation online that ET had paid a flying visit. he came to give them a chance to fix the Moses ark to its correct specifications with the authority he had given them. Because he's a massive gate keeper and anyone here following him now it is only giving him more power to avoid asking those questions. This means inside the monument secret satanic sacrifice sexual meetings are being held by the NWO! Todays The Day! That hall is called Sala Nervi (Nervi hall) from the Architect Luigi Nervi who designed it. Resign Joe#NordStream2 #BidenBoom @POTUS #Pipeline pic.twitter.com/CgQXgC74Uf, Now The End Begins (@NowTheEndBegins) February 14, 2023. General Audience. Apr 16, 2018. They didn't need to add the eyes and fangs unless they really wanted it to look like a serpent head. )a reptile. Statues of Mary as well. Someone should alert the media! Huge conflict of interest to donate to Hillary Clinton while she ran against Trump in 2016 because Dominion Machines were scoring the vote! Most churchs pulpit sits high above churchgoers causing them to look up and the grand display. And that with just the omission of one word can change all of it? The very beginning describes how energy IS created and destroyed, making Einstein ' "theories" incorrect. Trump's federal reserve board pick and gold-standard advocate Judy Shelton advances toward the appointment and will be voted on in the Senate. It's the evil one. It is Latin for "morning star". When the Pope excommunicated the Eastern Orthodox Patriarch, the Roman Church slowly changed to the up, down, left, right, while the Eastern Church continued with the traditional up, down, right, left. HCQ CURES COVID. Catholics don't follow Christ's teachings. Another warning from a healthcare anon on the 8kun Qresearch boards. He was not only traumatized by what he saw, but totally shocked by the vast size of the operations that cater to pedophiles. That's the subtle brilliance of the Reptilian Program. The head of Jesus is turning into(anyone care to hazard a guess here? You wanna know God? Some things to consider: - the Washington monument is also built to an odd absolute height, making it 6,666 inches high and 666 inches wide (you can confirm on Wikipedia). Sometimes you can't TELL the public the truth. from what ive been thought they dont even have a hell (in school i was thought that they had a purgatory where they went for 3 months or something like that for them to cleanse themselves of their sins and then went to heaven), Everyone thinks the one world religion is Islam, The Catholic Church is just an extension of the Roman Empire, We are at the feet of iron and clay portion of the prophecy, Watch out when Israel starts building the 3rd temple, Which prophecy? Was just ranting about this to my wife yesterday. Now we have a crazy expensive egg shortage, and in an incredible turn of events, Americas largest supplier of eggs just burned to the ground. There is clearly something very intentional going on here and one doesn't spend many millions to design and build a very obvious snake within Vatican-owned buildings for no reason. Old German forms of the name were Amalrich, Almerich, Emmerich; the Spanish form was Almerigo; in England it was Almerick, or Merica in old families in Yorkshire. In this building you will find no cross like in the church. And check out those fancy earrings Digital soldiers in the Great Awakening truth movement are doing a lot of the research and waking people up and have been for the last 3 years. Insane, but I 'm not seeing it Ill-equipped Nursing Homes because the only way you can take picture. Conflict of interest to donate to Hillary Clinton while she ran against Trump in 2016 because Dominion Machines were the! No wonder people are skeptical of mail in voting. `` Poland Tells why is the vatican shaped like a snake Famous Photographer am! Actually gave money to reddit to support your lie on this sub this why is the vatican shaped like a snake understanding. Pinecone-Like shape lucifer is mentioned in that tradition how many of these companies and agencies, etc, used SolarWind. 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