And because getting added to Thorin's council isn't trouble enough, Kili is in love with an elf, Fili may or may not have his eyes on a certain little scribe, everyone seems to think he is a lady hobbit, and Thorin needs to find someone to marry. Even so, Henry is unwilling since Regina will be left behind. He offers her insight about all fairytales being about transformation, such as the duckling turning into a swan, but Emma believes the duckling was always a swan without knowing it. While out picking flowers, Emma sees who she believes is the Queen, though it's actually Regina. After a chat with Marco, she gives Pongo to a delighted Henry, but Mary Margaret points out that perhaps she and David should consider finding their own place. After drinking it, she passes out and awakens to find herself bound up. ("What Happened to Frederick"), At the diner, Emma notices Mary Margaret being shunned by some of the townspeople. Encouraged by Elsa, Emma talks to Regina again; admitting what occurred earlier wasn't to assuage guilt, but because she wants to be her friend. I will not kill innocents. Though he says she is jogging in the woods, Emma sees sand left behind on the floor. He asked, and I brought him up the stairs. He requests her to stay in town for a week to prove he's right about the curse. After Jasmine finds proof of Aladdin's death, Emma's hopes of escaping her impending death are dampened, and she steps away to be alone. We walked extremely slow, my dad held my hand over to the stairs, and Ruby walked behind me carrying my bag. I was still in a lot of pain. ("Heart of Gold"), When she and her parents go back to the apartment, Emma grills them about any other secrets they have about the Author, as they justify the necessity of their past deal with the Apprentice. As Emma recalls, a fire broke out in her apartment in Boston, which caused her and Henry to start their lives over in New York. After an upset Mary Margaret storms out as David follows her, Hook becomes jealous over Emma's concern for August. Together, they discover Regina is keeping quite a few secrets, such as embezzlement of fifty thousand dollars from the treasury and land she bought from Mr. Gold to build a house in the woods. Before they rescue Robin from New York, the pair head to Massachusetts, following an address lead for Lily that is five years old. Desperate to get the potential for darkness out of their daughter, Snow White and Prince Charming visit the Apprentice who tells them he can infuse another vessel with their daughter's potential for darkness. They are forced to hide when the Queen arrives to a nearby village where a prisoner, Marian, is hauled out. She borrows Henry's book and turns to a section showing a photo of the Mad Hatter and his daughter. Even Mary Margaret now approves of the idea and by going back to the Enchanted Forest she could have a chance to heal her own heart from Cora's death. They find Auntie Em's headstone is neither tipped or cracked and to get true love's kiss, Snow suggests bottling a kiss from Auntie Em and delivering it to Dorothy in Oz. Returning home, Emma notices Henry forgot to move the chest to the shed, so she begins taking it out herself, only to hear Hook's voice coming from a conch shell inside it. During the night, Emma wakes up to voices. While her husband sees his infant daughter in a basket, Snow White sees her teenage daughter in a pink gown. To work towards defeating Hades and helping Hook, Snow urges her to pitch in with the book research. ("Bleeding Through"), Meeting at the inn, Emma, David, Mary Margaret and Regina strategize on how to break the new curse. Since Ruby saw Regina's angry exchange with Archie a day earlier, this gives reason that she might have murdered him. Infuriated at Ingrid's taunt that her loved ones will see her as a monster, Emma explodes a wall. Successfully, they reenter Storybrooke from within the wishing well. At the counter, Greg walks in to pick up his food order, which he later asks to have it to go. Although it's protected by a spell, Rumplestiltskin urges her to do away with it by using her dark magic, but Emma refuses to comply. ("Quite a Common Fairy"), At the camp base, Emma elaborates on their strategy for entering Pan's headquarters from the back after Tinker Bell talks her way in through the front. Harshly, she rejects him. Emma is surprised to hear Leroy mention that Dopey is no longer a tree, but Leroy notes that the dwarves got him out and they weren't waiting for her to fix things. Thinking she has been betrayed, she confronts August about his double crossing by assisting Regina, but he claims his innocence profusely; something Emma has a hard time believing. She regains her memories from the potion and later learns that her family has been re-cursed by someone powerful. He offers his assessment of her, in that she has become more open because of her friends and family, but the battles she's fought since then have left her more exposed to pain and emotion. Swan-Mills family moments. When Maleficent casts a sleeping spell over the town, Emma and Hook fall asleep. Later, she admits to Henry that the past is keeping her from accepting Walsh, so he sets up a dinner date for them. She then drops her sword and allows herself to be stabbed by Gideon, causing a burst of light to emit from her abdomen, which defeats Gideon by reverting him back into an infant. To get a better look at the wall, she uses a lit candle in a halved coconut holder. The magic of childbirth (literally) and anotomical and cultural differences. ("Lost Girl"), The plan to reach Pan is a failure once when they notice his camp location keeps changing; making their journey fruitless. Emma gets a first glimpse of her would-be nursery had she never left the Enchanted Forest as well as the magic wardrobe that took her to the land without magic. Emma finds the Oracle, except that she is already dead. Tracking Henry to Neal's apartment in New York, Emma runs a laptop scan to find out where he and Violet went. Aesop, morphing into Gideon, reveals the tear-stained napkin is his way of cutting off Emma's communication with her beloved, and she won't get Hook back unless she helps him kill the Black Fairy. In a test to reach the ambrosia, Emma offers her heart up for judgment by placing it on one side of a weight scale. Emma tries to apologize for ruining Regina's new-found chance at happiness, but the latter is having none of it. Emma, discovering Elsa is gone, searches and runs into Regina, who is tracking the Snow Queen. Hook relates how the ring is a testament to his ability to survive throughout the years, and he is giving it to her so she can survive and come back to him. Pinocchio shows her the tool he'll be using, his father's magic chisel, while Emma tells him about her destiny as the Savior to die in the future. Ruins of Camelot. "Okay . Later, Hook returns to her, revealing Liam took the pages while under duress from Hades. She is assigned to push back the townspeople away from the mine damage, but is called, along with Archie, to the sidelines by Henry. She sees a picture of Hook as the pages are scorched and seemingly recognizes him as the man from her vision, but she does nothing as the page curls away under the heat of the flames. When Emma visits Hyde again, he tells her that all saviors have been cut down by villains and that the villain she'll face could be one of the newcomers from his realm. David and Mary Margaret offer to watch over Henry, but she balks and implies her son thinks they are boring. Henry apologizes for causing her current dilemma because he brought her to Storybrooke and forced her to be a Savior. Shortly after they leave, Zelena storms in; threatening everyone into submission with the Dark One's dagger. In a final goodbye, Hook asks her not to close herself off from her loved ones because of losing him, and Emma asks him not to keep from moving on because of her. ("A Tale of Two Sisters"), During a night at the apartment, Emma sees Henry packing a basket of goodies for Regina. With one job done, Emma approaches Sidney at the diner to let him know she is aware of his backstabbing. Upon discovering Hook's ship is still in port, the pirate offers to assist them in finding Henry. However, she rushes to the scene of a scuffle as Aurora, who deliberately followed them, attempts to harm Mary Margaret and they are pulled apart by Mulan. Emma and those who drank the curse fall asleep, but after David and Snow wake up, they awaken as well. I saw her phone sitting on the counter, I grabbed it and started dialing Killian's number. I leaned over and my dad rubbed my back. I was still in a lot of pain. He prompts Emma to come along, however, she tells him that she has a session with Archie. Neal doesn't believe she has anything to apologize for, but affirms he won't stop fighting for her. () ]. As she fights him, Emma swears to protect her loved ones, to creating light from darkness, to not kill innocents, and to bring hope to others no matter what the cost is. ("Our Decay"), While Emma is on lookout duty for Hades with Hook on the library's roof, she falls asleep, having a dream about burning her, Regina and Snow's names from the headstones. Before heading in, Emma talks about her worsening rapport with Regina, and understands that when she hurts someone, there's no way of getting the person back. Miraculously, the necklace grants her wish; bringing Anna and Kristoff to the shoreline. After this gruesome end, Emma awakens from the nightmare and apologizes to Hook for sleeping on the job. He pleas for Regina to help him destroy magic, which is not possible, but she burns the spell to placate him. Hopeful of swaying Mr. Gold to their side, Belle breaks into the farmhouse cellar while Emma, David and Tinker Bell stand guard outside. When they ask for the Wicked Witch's identity, he is unable to tell them. At the dirigible's crash site, Emma helps collect scraps to create a new weapon to defeat Hyde, during which she develops a hand tremor and sees a vision of herself battling an unknown enemy. "Why the hell are you not in the room with her then?". ("Dreamy"), Emma stays up all night interviewing David, but he sticks to his story of having nothing to do with Kathryn's disappearance. What could happen? Rather than kill Merida, Emma orders her to hunt down and eliminate Belle as a way to force Mr. Gold into action. Normally , Ruby was positive and perky. After Emma returns Merida's heart, Mr. Gold successfully pulls out Excalibur and tosses it at Emma's feet. They go back to the mines to use the bean to contain the trigger, but Emma realizes too late that Hook tricked them. Please consider turning it on! When Hook's knee bumps the table, a startled Mary Margaret withdraws her hands, which closes the gateway. On the way to Dark Hollow, Emma lends Neal a weapon to cut through tall grass. Snow knows to be untrue and she begins telling her about something that happened to her and David during the first curse, but she is cut off when Emma finds the last pixie flower. However, after the woman learns from Emma about Hyde's death, she reveals herself to be Jasmine, and that the Oracle was helping her to track down Aladdin, who is also a Savior. At the docks, James and Cruella prepare to send Emma and Robin into the River of Lost Souls, except David and Hook intervene in time to save them. David started nodding to himself before looking up at Emma. We hung up and I went over to the couch to sit and wait for David to arrive. ("Fall"), When Anna recalls the epilogue of The Trolden Glass, in which the king's spell of shattered sight only ended when he was killed, they realize the same must be done to Ingrid. . Regina then questions why she is still the Dark One if they freed the sorcerer, but Emma refuses to say and instead asks again for Henry. He is trying to get here as fast as he can.". Mary Margret ran in the room, I looked at her with fear in my eyes "I'm here Emma, everything will be alright. After Gideon's escape, Emma reunites with her family, before talking to August about their past run-in. Fearing Marian will alter the future by simply existing, Hook and Emma decide to take her to the future. She admits to not wanting the role of sheriff and people relying on her. Annoyed, Emma fires her gun into the air, attracting an ogre. However, with encouragement from Nimue, Emma takes Excalibur into her hands. Mary Margaret wonders if Emma's job as bonds bails person is good for finding people. Upon learning his reasons for carving a swan, Emma realizes August was the boy from many years ago who advised her on using belief to change her own fate. Neal is surprised that he never knew she had magic. 15 months later she knocks on the door to the Swan apartment only to see that things arent quite as she had dared hope they would be. Later, Neal admits to being wanted for stealing watches and plans on escaping to Canada alone. As the nuns are welcomed back in the diner, Emma finds Hook brooding, feeling guilty for trapping the nuns, although she insists Mr. Gold is at fault for manipulating him. Once inside, they reach a dead end and see a caged Neal on a separate strip of land. By the time Mr. Gold and Belle bring a captured Merida back, Emma is already waiting for them in the basement. In order to save everybody in Storybrooke, Regina sends Emma and Henry - the thing she loves most - off to a fresh start in New York. David and Hook return, reporting that Little John turned into a flying monkey, as they conclude that the Wicked Witch of the West cast the new curse. From hacking into the phone, he looks to be a normal person. Emma's parents arrive home with Henry after allowing him to have a test drive using David's truck. As her former foster mother recalls something an apprentice once said, Emma concludes she is delusional and prepares to call Sheriff Graham. Regina learning she can create, not just destroy. As Emma is flagged down by a police car, Neal helps her by telling the officer that she is driving his car. On her birthday, Emma wishes on a candle shaped like a blue star, an allusion to the scene in, The show creators have said that they view Captain Hook as their version of. Mommy coaxed. To this, Regina sympathizes with how Mary Margaret must be feeling as a woman spurned and placed into a "dark place". Unseen to them, Mr. Gold kills Zelena; accidentally triggering magic in her pendant, which activates the time spell. I took my phone out of my pocket and dialed Hook's number, there was still no answer. "Ok Emma, there is still one baby that needs to come out. Eventually, Zelena learns the truth about Hades from Regina after he has killed Robin, and she kills Hades to stop his reign of power. Hoping to fix the mistake, the two head for Rumplestiltskin's castle. Emma confirms she was, due to being in love, but disappointingly, as usual, the guy of her dreams had secrets and broke her heart. After magically undoing Merida's binds, Emma rips out her heart, commanding the redhead to fetch her bow from the car. Once again, Emma is exasperated that the impression is she's jealous of Neal's fiancee, and maintains she doesn't trust Tamara for other reasons. Emma muses over why he hasn't gone back to Pennsylvania. As Emma's life ebbs away, Gideon's portal opens briefly, letting the Black Fairy through, before it closes when Mr. Gold saves Emma. Emma notices Ingrid hasn't aged in appearance since she last saw her ten years ago. Emma and Hook have had this secret romance ever since Neal died. Fortunately, if there's one thing hobbits are good at, it's growing things. When the two men return, Hook informs them about a sextant on top of Dead Man's Peak, which can help decipher Neal's map, which he and David will be retrieving. Right as we arrived at the hospital, Dr. Whale's was out there to greet us, he tried to get me out of the car, but I leaned over in pain. Emma answers another phone call from David asking her to be on watch for Greg, who is trying to escape the building. ("The Apprentice"), Continuing to pile through records at the sheriff's office, Emma subdues Will, who wants dinner, by giving him a poptart. It hurts but readableSlow burn as in the feelings were there, but the burn came at the last half of the story. Though this makes David a possible suspect, Emma doesn't pursue the matter any further until Regina comes to the station looking for news on Kathryn. Privately, Emma reasons that her hands are full at the moment with the Regina crisis. He jests that she likes him, which she strongly refutes. While August recuperates in the apartment, Regina comes in and relates a dream in which she sensed the Evil Queen was trying to protect Robin Hood from something, and she asks Emma to find his current contact details. Fanfic that contains little Emma or little Regina, and is centered around Regina and Emma, romantic or platonic. He tries to bring up the earlier topic he tried to discuss with Emma, but this time, a woman runs up to Neal. She then makes Emma promise to take her out if she ever becomes evil again, which Emma reluctantly agrees to do. Since Snow is incapable of leaving the Underworld, she prompts David to go home alone, as one of them needs to be with their son. ("A Pirate's Life"), "When I bought this jacket, it was meant to be anarmor to protect me from getting hurt by those Ilove," Emma told David. The two lure out the Dragon together, and from Henry's side, he smashes the mirror, just as the Dragon's fire breath hits the other side. In the midst of trying to salvage their marriage, Emma and Regina begin to realize that the secrets they've been keeping are the least of their worries. With his reassurance that Regina is changing, Emma invites her to the party so Henry can spend time with his mother. Mr. Gold, however, states that he did not create her, and only made use of who and what she isthe product of true love. Seemingly remorseful, Regina arranges a meeting with Emma where she apologizes for her actions due to fears that she will take away Henry. Post-Neverland and AU from there. She walked closer to me and wrapped her arms around me and gave me a huge hug. She heads to the manor where Mr. Gold directs her into a room to be stripped of magic. ("Firebird"), On return to Storybrooke and a brief reunion with her mother, Emma goes with David and Merida to track down an escaped King Arthur, whose corpse they find after Hades killed him. Unable to cope with the strain of continually seeing and hearing Rumplestiltskin, Emma reverts into a catatonic state, neither speaking or expressing anything non-verbally. Unable to simmer her frustration, Emma hurls the vase of flowers in her office across the room. Mary Margaret reassures that after everything she and David went through to be reunited with her, its never too late for anything. When Emma voices her concerns about Henry, he reasons that Regina is the boy's mother, too. Emma helps to light a cannon as Neal releases the Shadow over it, firing the creature into the air, to which Regina projects it into a sail to fly everyone home. Combing the woods with David, they soon find Mr. Gold. From then on, Emma and Henry try to help Regina make it through a pregnancy that she doesn't seem very thrilled about. Out of concern, Emma asks Graham what is actually wrong. Rather than waiting for his return, Emma and Regina use magic, causing an eclipse to cover the moon, and their shadows to stop reflecting. At Regina's house, Mr. Gold reveals Hook has challenged him to a duel to the death. She has suspicions that Mr. Gold may have kidnapped and held Kathryn hostage, but he plays off her claims. before I could say anything else he crashed his lips upon mine. They learn from Regina, who briefly possesses Mary Margaret's body, that Mr. Gold is back and he's reverted Pinocchio into August in order to interrogate him about the Author. Neal admits he still loves her, too, and falls into the closing portal as a heartbroken Emma watches. At the graveyard, Emma begins burning away the names when the storm happens. Henry convinces Emma that she was wrong for not believing in Regina, and he defends his decision to destroy magic because he doesn't want to lose either of his moms to magic like with his father. "No, he went out sailing and we've been trying to get a hold of him." Read chapter 17 - Best Laid Plans from the story Worlds Colliding (Once Upon a Time) Book Four by heartofice97 (Tiffany) with 236 reads. He explains that Zeus brought him back as a reward for stopping Hades, while Emma is overwhelmed with happiness at having him back. Emma throws her a welcome home party in the apartment as many town residents show up for the celebration. At the counter, Mary Margaret blurts out August's whereabouts, and Marco, who is sitting next to Emma, overhears and wants to see him. To help her recuperate, Henry takes her and Hook to Violet's family stables. One night they spent together. After some tries, one of the keys successfully unlocks the door, to Emma's astonishment. Near the town line, they see an ice wall, which has knocked down power lines. Hook, on his last breaths, begs her to let him go because he believes he wouldn't be strong enough to fight the darkness inside himself if he became a Dark One, and he wants to die knowing she still has a future without him. Before leaving, Emma asks for Henry's trust until she can tell him everything. Until a jealous ex, a malicious fairy, and a pair of ignorant parents decide they know whats best for the Saviour.. Emma, having an epiphany from watching her mother die, realizes Henry brought her to Storybrooke to find her family. Not in the mood, she shuts him down for attempting to bond with her. While getting a car to bring Mr. Gold to the ship, Emma asks Neal why he is helping his dad. Snow and Hook notice something off with her, but she assures them all is well before walking off into a clearing, where her hand begins shaking on its own. "Dad." After turning him into the authorities, she heads back to her flat and lights a cupcake for her twenty-eighth birthday. Emma comes out to welcome Hook back and then pops back into the house to make a snack, while Hook stays outside to study the ring box with a conflicted expression before snapping it closed. Prompted by Rumplestiltskin, she sets out to find a certain hero to pull it out. Emma looks at the letter herself, tracking down Henry at the diner, to reason that his mother needs space. Because Emma threatens to tell Belle everything, Mr. Gold agrees to reopen the portal to the Underworld so she can rescue Hook. List of episodes. The final Once Upon a Time fanfiction with Emma and Hook is another very popular story with nearly 40,000 hits. Hook's shadow flies in to deliver a broken wand to Emma, who realizes Hook is in danger after she sees the shadow drop Killian's hook. She goes back to check up on Neal and is surprised to hear Henry has agreed to move to New York. Channeling Milah's aura to get past it, Mr. Gold links hands with Emma and Milah to head underground. Emma tries to persuade Merida that she means no harm, but the latter begins firing arrows at her. ("A Curious Thing"), Emma follows her parents to the hospital delivery room where she and Regina cast a protection spell to shield them from Zelena. Led on by Mr. Gold, Emma challenges Regina with the town charter rules, which state a mayor can only support a candidate and not instate one. "Hook I'm serious." Emma deadpanned, "and so am I darling" he winked at her again. 88 pages Completed April 16, 2021 Meesha Patricia. One look at Emma, she knows Emma is controlling her tongue. Regina briefly looks at Emma with a perplexed look before smiling at Arthur. She asks the shop keeper for information about anyone who might remember the incident, but she receives nothing. At the corner, they see Ruby at the bus stop evading the advances of Dr. Whale. Judging from the family tree, they realize Ingrid means to replace Emma and Elsa as her sisters. Hope is born to the savior, Emma Swan-Jones and her husband, former pirate, Killian Jones. ("The Broken Kingdom"), Afterward, Emma returns to free Mr. Gold, who continues to try and persuade her out of her plan, warning that no matter how good her intentions, she'll always lose her loved ones in the end. Ingrid then attempts to connect with Emma by elaborating about how she discovered of her own powers, but Emma believes Ingrid to be a lunatic who never truly loved her after all. She pauses to confess that he can't know the whole truth until she's fulfilled her mission, otherwise, he'll try to stop her. Persisting to have faith, Emma returns to the mines just as Elsa blasts open the cave-in. After winning a prize, Ingrid states that Emma's a special girl and that she will someday surprise everyone with her "extraordinary gifts". No Archive Warnings Apply, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (41), | Yakusoku no Neverland | The Promised Neverland (Anime) (1), Snow White | Mary Margaret Blanchard (50), Snow White | Mary Margaret Blanchard & Emma Swan (30), Prince Charming | David Nolan & Emma Swan (22), Prince Charming | David Nolan & Snow White | Mary Margaret Blanchard & Emma Swan (22), Prince Charming | David Nolan/Snow White | Mary Margaret Blanchard (20), Evil Queen | Regina Mills/Maleficent (11), Evil Queen | Regina Mills/Maleficent/Emma Swan (10), Evil Queen | Regina Mills & Emma Swan (4), Parent Snow White | Mary Margaret Blanchard (29), Parent Prince Charming | David Nolan (21), Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, | Yakusoku no Neverland | The Promised Neverland (Anime), Emma & Norman & Ray (The Promised Neverland), Grace Field House Children (The Promised Neverland), Hush, little baby (Multifandom age regression), Young Evil Queen | Regina Mills/Young Emma Swan, Age Play Caregiver Evil Queen | Regina Mills, Endgame Evil Queen | Regina Mills/Emma Swan, Blood was spilled - even more tears will be spilled, Evil Queen | Regina Mills/Maleficent/Emma Swan, and maybe implicit mentions of previous sex, Age Play Little Evil Queen | Regina Mills, Mostly Little Emma/Mama Regina but they switch a couple of times, Prince Charming | David Nolan & Snow White | Mary Margaret Blanchard & Emma Swan, Snow White | Mary Margaret Blanchard & Emma Swan, Prince Charming | David Nolan & Emma Swan, Prince Charming | David Nolan/Snow White | Mary Margaret Blanchard, Protective Parent Prince Charming | David Nolan, Parent Snow White | Mary Margaret Blanchard, look I tried to write a slightly less kinky version of this, it stays in the diaper and the fic ends before she actually releases so, pee mention but again just diaper stuff y'know. Since Kathryn's reappearance, Mary Margaret is relieved of any wrongdoing in the case. The couple convince Henry they are just lying down while Emma awkwardly excuses herself. Lucky for me he arrived right as I was about to push. Back on ground level, Emma discovers Regina and her family are trapped inside because of Hades' magic. He attempts one last time to talk her out of going, but when she declines again, he accepts this and bids her a warm farewell. When I walked back out I handed him the cup and sat back down but only for a few minutes because then I felt the urge to get sick so I ran back into the bathroom and did. "I would never leave you. Jennifer Morrison displays plenty of flesh in a sheer coral gown after THAT naked photo shoot, Jennifer Morrison for Entertainment Weekly New York Comic Con 2015, Jennifer Morrison Is Reading Old Fairy Tales to Play 'Dark Emma', 'Once Upon a Time': Emma is the Dark One, but there's a catch, Once Upon a Time Comic Con panel: 10 things we learned, Season Finale Awards: 'Once Upon a Time' creators dish on Hook, Elsa, Storybrooke Secrets: The Thing You Love Most. Creating a portal with the dust, Emma arrives in Neverland to stop the Lost Boys from executing Hook before the both of them return to the loft. Discovers Regina and Emma decide to take her out if she ever becomes evil again, which knocked. Hook, Snow urges her to pitch in with the Dark one 's dagger David 's...., I grabbed it and started dialing Killian 's number move to York! She ever becomes evil again, which has knocked down power lines village where a,. 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For August is delusional and prepares to call sheriff Graham sand left behind on the floor and.

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