We must get acquainted with Him, which means we must spend time with Him. The seven gifts are first enumerated in the Old Testament book of Isaiah (11: 1-3), and they appear in many Christian devotional works, including this prayer: Holy Spirit, divine Consoler, I adore You as my true God, with God the Father and God the Son. Ways to Activate the Gift of Prophecy To carry out the prophetic work of the Holy Spirit, you must be willing to set aside your ideas and mindsets and align with Gods truth. Members of the ACU community will gain access to over 5000 audio-guided prayers and meditations, including sleep meditations voiced by Hollywood actors Mark Wahlberg and I know my weak points and I dont trust many. I just dont want to make a wrong step. Ongoing learning about the prophetic gift will encourage you to continue activating your gift of prophecy. Ensure you have variety of gifts of the spirit along with enough for each person. I can tell from what you shared that you are an intercessor, a prophetic intercessor. Learn about the different ways He can speak to you, including through scripture, pictures, thoughts and impressions, dreams, prompts, inner urges and Divine appointments. How Do I Activate These Gifts? Limiting myself to a week of prayer journaling has seemed like having rich desserts for dinner every evening and missing out on the vegetables. People should walk away from your prophetic word wanting to be closer to the Lord. And He desires to redeem people and situations so that His purpose is fulfilled. Thank You that my body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, and that You have sent Him to indwell my heart and to lead and guide me into all truth. My observation today is that sometimes I sense God speak to me from a different perspective. I know the enemy is on the attack and sends me into doubt and depression but I know God will prevail in my life. On Sunday, Minneapolis-based evangelist Nick Hall brought an Asbury-inspired revival event to Rupp Arena in Lexington, Ky., about 30 minutes from the . After i told her what i saw she laughed this long eerie laugh, then she told me no, i was wrong, but i knew she was lying. Praying for the Gift. Join over 10.000 ChristiansTT members receiving Prayers and Devotionals twice weekly! Anyways, without going on into my entire life story, lol. I was prophesied over when I was in YWAM that I was an intersessor with dance. 3. Stared at the journal. Loved it! I sincerely appreciate you my dear sister Helen for been open to the Holy Spirit to bless the Body of Christ through you. So I feel the pull of God into the spiritual realm and its exciting and new to me. When it is time, God will let you know personally. Thank the Lord for the power of the Holy Spirit. TheEnliven Prophetic School is now open! I really loved the feeling of being prayed for by another person. Please pray for me to be blessed with the prophetic gift to serve the Lord Jesus better in my Christian ministry. However, our team is not planning on visiting Nigeria or Africa in the next few years. Proverbs 18:16 A mans gift maketh room for him, and bringeth him before great men. (St. Leo the Great, Sermon on the Transfiguration). 2.3. Thank you for this powerful teachings on the Holy Spirit,really inspiring and timely. Required fields are marked *. I need to be the leading lady the Lord has chosen me to be. One of the tragedies of life is to have what you need and not know. That is why you need to engage in this prayer points for manifestation of spiritual gifts. You cannot manifest what you have not discovered, and to discover, you must go into prayers for God to open your eyes to your spiritual gifts. Heavenly Father thank you your mercies because your mercies Please leave your comments or questions below. Give me a heart to lift up my brothers and sisters in prayer, so that together we seek to become more and more like Christ as we minister in our own God-given gifts, to Your praise and glory.Give me I pray, a correct and godly wisdom and discernment so that I may determine what gifts are from You and which have been misused for selfish gain. Let God lead you to where He wants you to share the word. You shall decree a thing and shall be established.Is it thesamethng as prohesy to somebodylife? So, your prayer to get started is simple Lord Jesus, show me how to use the gift of prophecy to give a clear witness to you and what platform you need me to use to bring glory to you. Making up your prayers as you go is a much more authentic way. But in spite of having a hankering yesterday for my usual journal style of mind-mapping, I found myself really looking forward to this time today. Realize that Jesus has placed the gifts of the Spirit under YOUR control, and YOU can choose to manifest them or not. I can see how you have woven my life for teachings, please Lord take this evil from my step dad. Prophecy is one of the gifts of the Spirit. And when you pray, do not heap up empty phrases as the Gentiles do, for they think that they will be heard for their many words. Matthew 6:7. I just might need to trust it more and get rid of the spirit of confusion which seems to jump at me. Blood of Jesus, cleanse me from every defilement in Jesus name. Father, let every unbroken area in my life be broken, in the name of Jesus. This self-paced, video lecture school is for anyone who would like to learn and grow in the gift and ministry of prophecy and includes classes for discerners as well. Just be opened to the Holy Spirit to use you how He sees fit. This will give you an indication of whether or not you are actually called to prophesy and where you are called to prophesy. My father and my God, Let my prayer be set forth before thee as sweet incense in Jesus name. Not the same thing. The Spiritual gift of Intercessor is the special ability God gives to use prayer with confidence and power to intervene on behalf of an individual or group. A person who will able to help you weigh up the prophetic insights and will not hold back, when you need to be redirected. Wise feedback, along with encouragement, is a powerful way to sharpen your prophetic gift. 5. Begin Activating Your Gift of Prophecy in your Personal Devotional Life Let there be a restoration, oh Lord. I have been researching this subject and Im having a hard time determining what makes each one different. This style will not suit everyone, e.g. In this post I am going to talk about how you start using the gift of prophecy. Let my inner man be cleansed, DAY 3: Sometimes I think, speak and do things that do not please You. I love You sweet Jesus. The words that Ive been getting from God are incredible. Grow your Prophetic and Prayer Gifts is an e-book about the stages of growth in gifts of prophecy and prayer, and contains many practical tips to help you activate your prophetic gift and take it to the next phase of development. Give him conviction and discernment. vacationland campground reviews Prayer point: Dear, lord please help me stop the stomach pain please keep me through the day and night and keep in your arms for ever in jesus I pray amen.Prayer for healing your stomach Dear Lord, I come to you today with a heavy heart and a troubled stomach. Tim. He becomes the center of attention and not you. The first place you can start to activate your prophetic gift is in your devotional life, learning to receive insights from the Holy Spirit. He showed me that i would fall away from him and the church, but later would call me to remember my birth (my baptism, my first love for Him) and afterwards He would forge me in the silversmiths fire and when it was time he would let it be known to people i was chosen for something and his power would be revealed through me. It seems when I start to doubt what God has said to me, and have fear of what others think of what I say or do, that I invite the spirit of depression to oppress me. I know Lord you will keep me safe Andy family. 1 Corinthians 2:12 Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, so that we may know the things freely given to us by God. Using your gift should be Bring him to his fork in the road. WebCome join Sean and Christa Smith and special Prophetic guest, Julian Adams, to get activated and equipped in the Prophetic gift in your life! With that said, even though you may be someone who dreams a lot doesnt mean that you have the prophetic gift either. Remember that any prophecy is imperfect and subject to judgment. Every Jezebel, familiar spirit and demonic power is making its way right to your front door. Enroll Now. I have felt its weight and I have knowledge of Gods love for me and truth, so I didnt understand what was happening. Privacy Guarantee: Enliven Ministries will never share your e-mail address with anyone else. (1 Cor 12-14), But the one who prophesies speaks to people for their strengthening, encouraging and comfort. And, you are not going to have the level of struggle that others do because you will know exactly what prayers to pray, you would have already mastered getting into the secret place of God and you have angelic coverage. Little is known about the life of this schemamonk before he returned to Donbass in advanced age. 29 Activate: Light Up Your Prophetic. It is an honour to receive your invitation to do prophetic training with you in Zimbabwe! I see God sharing with me so much and felt this past year He was telling me to only listen to Him.. that He is the best teacher and that He is the only counselor I need. I used to have dreams coming to pass, but they have disappeared. That His presence is worth more than anything. [1] Even if you do not have a specific gift, every Christian benefits by learning how to hear from God and receive insights from the Holy Spirit. Lord please help our family give gifts of the Holy Spirits to our children and my husband and me the gifts knowledge to my children, Lord, please help my husband, that he can work to help our family, Lord please help us and please make us aware of our own sin and temptation which comes our way. Im not even sure how I knew, I just did and they are. I didnt want to be around her. Enroll Now. Make a Decision to Activate Your Gift of Prophecy It has been said (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Hi there. It affected me emotionally so much, I had someone tell me I needed counseling. Iam one of the beneficiary of your ministries. My journaling time tonight was made difficult by the volume of conversation happening in the adjoining room (not The Hunk, our younger generation!) When you are keen to begin activating your prophetic gift, remember, prophetic ministry requires us to see others and ourselves as the Father sees us. I grew up Catholic, changed to Church of Christ to follow an impactful teacher I had, left that for Evangelical, then went to YWAM and for the 1st time experienced more of the Holy Spirit and I was on a path to find love and truth. May we all be mutually edified and encouraged and bring glory to Your name.Fill me I pray, with the fullness of the Holy Spirit, and take my life as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable in Your sight. Amen. I pray that You would take my life and use every part of me, to Your praise and glory.Father, I know that the Bible tells us that we all receive a gift from You, a spiritual gift, and I understand that this is very special and different from my own natural talents or my own acquired abilities. 3. And i just needed to be still and learn from Him. I read your articles on this website of prophecy and felt moved to leave a replyi feel this is going to be a long commentall my childhood ive grown up in a high desert very secluded from people..only 6 people in my community and only my brother as the only other child in our communityin school i never really had any friends. Be open to these being adjusted by leaders as prophetic ministry develops in your church. It is a great way to activate your You can start here. 5. So far, I believe that prayer journaling will help me develop my prophetic gift, and certainly am encouraged by the revelation I have received. Your email address will not be published. God wants us to understand that we have done absolutely nothing to earn His gifts. Give me the grace to forsake my sins as I seek You today, in the name of Jesus Christ. Regardless, you need to learn and hone in on the gift of interpreting dreams. Think about it, David spent 15 years running from Saul because Saul saw the anointing upon Davids life. So, it turns out the Agabus was correct and Paul was correct too! Webprayer and Bible study, help us to identify and better understand our spiritual gifts. Please Lord in all your power hold this man down tonight. Hi there Abiloa, thanks for leaving a message. Many in the body of Christ are afflicted and their lives turned upside down because they are too public when God has not called them to be that. Acts 2:17 And in the last days it shall be, God declares, that I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh, and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams; Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Contact Us ; Facebook; Twitter; Designed by. Believe it or not there are several websites online, and we wont mention the ministries, that copy and paste our prophetic word and pretend that God gave it to them. I speak restoration of the gifts of the spirit that I once had, restoration of wisdom in the things of the spirit, restoration of the understanding of the word of God upon me, in the name of Jesus Christ. In order for you to gain the gift of prophecy, you must first learn how to pray. And because you have provided detailed information to them about what you have, they will know exactly where to find you and what to attack. When the Gift of prophecy flows, there is often a change in the spiritual atmosphere, and a release of other Gifts of the Spirit The Gift of prophecy can also be used in spiritual warfare(Ezek 21:14) 12.3 General Guidelines All believers are encouraged to prophesy (1Cor 14:1) All believers are encouraged to desire the Gift(1Cor 14:39) So, you dont know why people do or dont do certain things. Seems to be an odd thing to dowrite your own message from God. Facebook Live may work for others but not for you. 0000000016 00000 n Heavenly Father, thank You for Your unconditional love, thank You for Your mercy and thank You for giving us the opportunity to make the right choices in life. %%EOF It is not your job to make people receive the word. http://enlivenpublishing.com/blog/e-books/. Father I pray you will activate the gifts for my sister in Christ. It is with practice that he got to where he is. I see bigger pictures of His movement and see so many closed eyes and in His presence is fullness of joy. Thank you for my past. He has more angelic protection around him to cover him as he does what the Lord is calling him to do. You restore and refresh my soul. Prophetic Ministry & Activation - Part 2. Well that was long ago when I was young. 2. Guidelines in church life are not there to be controlling, but rather are a means of bringing freedom and safety in the operation of spiritual gifts. As we get to know Him, we become aware of His voice and His promptings. We will delight to host you and will be expecting your reply God bless I need more teaching on the prophetic. Why is this important? Web9.1 Spiritual Sensitivity can be Developed 9.2 Natural Senses 9.3 Spirit Sensations 9.4 How You Process Sensations 9.5 Extreme Responses 10. Even if no one else knows about it, if God shows you something and you see that what He has shown you happens time and time again that is a track record. Amen, Therefore I want you to know that no one who is speaking by the Spirit of God says, Jesus be WebTheir passion is to activate and instruct other believers in the prophetic anointing. HW]o6}1"iknPAT+1`oed;iml#y^_.nrv\ Thank you so much! [1] This is about being a good steward of: You may also have had affirmation by church leaders that you have a God-given prophetic ability. Lord, I pray that I may not be critical of others, but I do ask that You would keep me from straying from the truth of Your Word. LORD, I also ask you open my ears to attune them to Your voice. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Armed with this sense of liberty, I compose my question and begin to write what I believe God is answering me. Develop an intimate relationship with God and be open to receiving insights from the Holy Spirit throughout your day. I have found it helpful when starting out the message from God part of the journal, that if something doesnt flow straight away, to just start writing with the revelation from Him that I already know. In John 10:27, Jesus said, My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me. I find that the Holy Spirits voice usually comes as a series of light, gentle impressions. Thank you so much although am struggling with hearing from God myself and am a little confused about moving at Gods time when am not sure and doubt myself. Three Definitions of Prophetic Intercession. Billy Graham would have a larger angelic coverage because he traveled internationally. The power is for service; its for doing the works of Jesus. Nevertheless Lord, I pray that I may grow in grace and in a knowledge of Jesus. Thank You for nailing my sins on the cross. DAY 4: A leader can help you weigh up these insights and confirm that you are hearing from God. 0000005587 00000 n In Jesus' name,Amen. You are an inheritor of the firstborn blessingwhere abundant life and If your gift is prophesying, then prophesy in accordance with your faith. It was a wonderful, insightful series really. May God continue using you to reach out to more people to have a heart of using their gifts. Fourth, if you are led to start writing monthly prophetic words get your own word before you start reading or listening to other peoples. Try to eliminate interruptions and distractions as much as you can. So then you become a celebrity and you get one bodyguard. In spite of my exhaustion last night, the journal was amazing. Also, I get requests from pastors asking us to write their sermons, because they love the revelations that we get from God?! This enables you to activate your prophetic gift where there are leaders to give you feedback, and those with gifts of wisdom to help guide you, and others with prophetic gifts who can provide more insights. 0000001228 00000 n As we get to know Him, we become aware of His voice and His promptings. I adore You and unite myself to the adoration You receive from the angels and saints. Lord. WebPrayer Points 1. The safe way to do this is by staying away from thus says the Lord or The Lord told me to tell you or anything that starts with God said stay away from that. I am a servant of God, just like you and your brothers and sisters who testify about their faith in Jesus. Give me a grateful heart and a desire to give willingly and according to all that You desire for my life and witness. WebPRAYER TO ACTIVATE VISIONS, PROPHETIC DREAMS, SPIRITUAL GIFTS & DISCERNMENT | APOSTLE JOSHUA SELMAN: https://youtu.be/G20Nw6yuQ4w This is And, while I can expose 5 there will be 10 more behind them doing the same thing. The Gift of Prophecy (as with any other gift) is to build up the body of Christ and not ourselves. How to Activate the Gifts of the 0000016652 00000 n The whole body of Christ was to understand the kind of transformation that it would receive as his gift: the members of that body were to look forward to a share in that glory which first blazed out in Christ their head. Remember that at the end of the day your prophecy must lead people back to Jesus. Using your gift should be building a platform for Jesus and not for yourself. So its value in terms of sharpening the prophetic gift lies not only in recognising and communicating revelation, but also in getting into that place of communion with Jesus. That means that the higher rank you have the more coverage you have in protection. It includes the words we speak with our mouth intentionally that line up with the Scriptures. Are you seeking God in your prayer? Josephs gift of dream interpretation made room for him because he was using the gift while in prison (Proverbs 18:16). May God continue to use you. I know He wants to use me and Im willing. You know that when you were pagans, somehow or other you were influenced and led astray to mute idols. Lord, any gift of the Spirit that I once had, any dimension of the Spirit that once worked in me, but for some reason known and unknown to me has stopped working, let there be restoration, in the name of Jesus Christ. Give the warning. I grew up depressed, i had lots of talent and did well with whatever I did, but didnt like the spotlight and afraid of becoming prideful, I hid who I was. Fast forward to 22 years old. Would you know if your pastor was preaching someone elses sermon? Adapted from Your Spiritual Gifts Can Help Your Church Grow, copyright 2005, 1994, and 1979 by C. Peter Wagner. The indispensable importance of listening to Christ. Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for sending the Lord Jesus to live and die for me, and thank You for bringing me into Your family because I have trusted Jesus as my Saviour. Father, let the Holy Spirit fill me afresh. Your email address will not be published. Help you weigh up these insights and confirm that you are an intercessor, a prophetic intercessor desire! We will delight to host you and will be expecting your reply God bless I need to it! ] o6 } 1 '' iknPAT+1 ` oed ; iml # y^_.nrv\ thank you your mercies leave... Have variety of gifts of the Holy Spirit, really inspiring and timely time, God will you. Know the enemy is on the prophetic prayed for by another person today is that sometimes I God. Twitter ; Designed by day 4: a leader can help your church grow, copyright 2005 1994... 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