It gains its Hemalurgic charge as soon as it touches moving blood. To withdraw your consent, see Your Choices. When Kelsier was in the Cognitive Realm after his release, he often would show up to him in order to mock him and his inability to do anything. They went to the hideout themselves just in time to save Vin from Camon. Kelsier: The Mistborn Survivor of Hathsin who leads the Ghostbloods. [51], From the Well of Ascension, of course. As the Sovereign, Kelsier ruled the Southern Scadrians for a time and formed another religion that deified Metalborn, and then he left. Kelsier had traveled there several years after the Catacendre, inhabiting a physical body that was spiked in the right eye, and found the Southern Scadrians slowly dying of an unexplained coldness. Our Privacy Notice has been updated to explain how we use cookies, which you accept by continuing to use this website. So, Im kind of with Ishar a little bit. Wayne once had a thing for her, but gave up on it after realizing that she has a girlfriend. [68] After Marasi solved the riddle of the Bands and wielded it to escape the Set, she gave it to Wax, who wielded it and became incredibly powerful. [2] Kelsier later reveals in his letter to Vin that he had intended to use the Eleventh Metal to destroy the Lord Ruler but could not discover how to use it in his fight. Yeah sorry I meant the head of the spear. His most prominent trademark is the multitude of long scars running down his arms, a memento of time spent in the Pits of Hathsin. [21] There is a darkness to him that other heroes, such as Kaladin, would fight but that Kelsier instead embraces and is so ruthless that, in a fight with other notable people from the cosmere, he would be the most likely to win;[27][28] even Hoid considers him incredibly dangerous. Theres always another secret, but well have answers to some as of November 15th! As punishment, Kelsier was sent to the the Pits of Hathsin to mine atium for the Lord Ruler. I dont mean to sound aggravated or anything. While held in an Elendel jail, Suit was visited by a mysterious creature with red eyes. Marsh/Ironeyes/Death: Kelsier's Inquisitor brother, who possesses Hemalurgic spikes, allowing him to use the abilities of Hemalurgy. The issue with a spear is if the metal head is all the way out of the body, and only the wooden haft is actually touching. Marsh is aware of Kelsiers current activities as a Cognitive Shadow. Vin didn't trust him but agreed in order to learn how to use Allomancy. He claims that he smiles solely because laughter is the only thing that the Lord Ruler cannot take from him. He escapes the Well following its destruction and travels west, meeting Khriss, Nazh, and a group of Elantrians along the way. You seem to want to shut down theories that are too complex for you to understand. [36] There he spent his time believing that his wife Mare had betrayed him to the Lord Ruler until he witnessed his wife being beaten to death by guards after she gifted her Atium bead to him. Kelsier recruited the underworld's elite, the smartest and most trustworthy allomancers, each of whom shares one of his many powers, and all of whom relish a high . The Lord Ruler is pierced through the chest with a spear, basically a long spike, then uses that spear to stab Kelsier. Realizing Vin didn't trust him, he told her that in his crew they trust each other. if TLR was spiked? What are you actually theorizing. [3] He considers him to be very dangerous. Elend lived with the weight of not being the man the people wanted. [19] After she and Elend are killed, Kelsier spoke with them before they moved on to the Beyond. Luthadel [ edit] Dockson met his death with a sword in hand during the Battle of Luthadel. The Final Empire: Mistborn Book 1. Kelsier let Vin jump over the city walls as an exercise for steel and iron and was surprised how voluntarily she did it, remembering his own training. [42] While he was in the Well, Hoid passed by and Kelsier essentially challenges him to a fight that Kelsier ultimately loses. He eventually plays an important role in freeing her from Ruins influence. We do it because we want to. But spiking modifies the spirit web, which is the same whether your a cognitive shadow or not,and so it could have provided him benefits. Then, in Shadows of Self, Paalm was using a spike supplied by Trell to gain Allomantic and Feruchemical abilities, as well as to remain invisible to Harmony. For one of them, Kelsier's crew planned to steal the Lord Ruler's atium cache, which they believed lay hidden in Kredik Shaw. Though he is killed by the Lord Ruler, he watches over Vin as a Cognitive Shadow. Mistborn was the first Brandon Sanderson book I read, and Kelsier's death shocked me. After Holding and releasing the Shard of Preservation, Kelsier became a Sliver. And we know Ruin was able to manipulatepeople, particularly unstable people like Vin's mother and Gemmel, so is it possible that the rebels who stabbed the Lord Ruler were influenced by Ruin to create a Hemalurgic Spike? First off, I don't mean to come off as hostile, but I am genuinely confused as to what this theory is saying. Thus Kelsier's mother was killed, and because of this, the brothers have a deep hatred of noblemen. When used Allomantically, the metal is said to burn with a pure whiteness and will slowly be consumed, in the same way it would be by a Misting or Mistborn. Who, or what, is Trell? It is assumed that, based on his experience as a Misting crew leader that staged increasingly daring heists, he had broken into the Ministry building of Urteau and discovered the secret in the storage cache). He also knew at that point he'd been too much of a problem for the Lord Ruler. . Please clarify. Waxillium (Wax) Ladrian(fka Asinthew): One of our two primary characters. . Speaking of the Set. His healing heals his spiritweb, so it's theoretically possible to use him as an infinite source of spikes.. Of course, the WoB about it just says that spiking Hoid would work very weirdly. [37], Ah, but being an annoyance is something that I am very good at. [40] He continued training Vin and was surprised by her quick progress. Even though that is the OP, it would also be good to know where the discussion has evolved too, cause I am confused by that too. He was dead anyways. Will we learn more about him in The Lost Metal? The Church of the Survivor, or Survivorism, is possibly the most organized of Scadrial's religions in this period, as well as being the clear favorite among the social elite and downtrodden alike. The newly installed king of Luthadel, Elend Venture, often inquires about Kelsier's traits and skills, hoping that he can learn to lead as effectively as the Survivor once did. HE CANT BE HEMALURGICALLY SPIKED IF THE METAL ISNT TOUCHING HIS INSIDES. Kelsier's own role takes advantage of his Mistborn training, allowing him to assassinate nobles, cause disruptions in the Great Houses and eventually ignite a house war that would tear Luthadel apart from within. Kelsier, famously known as the Survivor of Hathsin, is a powerful Mistborn and one of the main characters in Mistborn: The Final Empire . One day, the men of gold and red, bearers of the final metal, will come to you. All we know for certain is that its some sort of entity worshiped by many on Scadrial. We dont haveto do this. Vin paused at her thoughts. (Otherwise, Inquisitors would be very very dead). The protagonists find a temple to a man they assume is the Lord Ruler, in which is stored the allomantic and feruchemic Bands. He hid the artifact away somewhere in the north and then disappeared. Kelsier is a fully trained Mistborn, despite his half-noble half-skaa ancestry. [42] Despite being mostly cordial with Kelsier, he does hate him to an extent due to how he manipulated peoples faiths during his life, playing with their hearts and treating their faith casually. [11] He usually wears a nobleman's suit (a colored vest with dark trousers and a coat), and during the night he wears his mistcloak. Mister Suit had been captured and possibly killed, but Lady Sequence (Telsin) had escaped, and there are rumblings of more devious plots afoot something to do with the kandra who are working for the Set, and Trell. Marsh decided to give Wax a book explaining Hemalurgy because he believed Wax was doing Kelsier's work. Even if he had, Kelsier died after being stabbed by the spear, but a hemalurgic spike would not kill: vital organs actually move to accommodatethe spike and keep the subject alive. Will Wax and Wayne wield weapons with wild wantonness? Batman, the most legendary mistborn himself. Aside from the Survivorists, there was also a whole civilization of people that worshiped Kelsier far to to the south of Elendel, calling him the Sovereign. He lacks finesse in the external mental abilities of zinc and brass as he tends to create large changes in emotional states as opposed to the more subtle Soothing abilities of Breeze, although he can affect a relatively large mass of people. This one is gonna be a RAFO for what his true plan is and if there is influence somewhere. He was unable to do so and leaves the bit of metal for Vin, asking her in a note to figure it out. It is there revealed that it was Kelsier's ghost who stabbed Elend at the end of Well of Ascension, not Preservation. Don't make me come over there and slap you around again. His best friend, Dockson, helps him follow up on Marsh's reports of a skaa with known Allomantic powers. Whats the point? Dick was so focused on the rhythm of movement and moving toward the name, he almost missed the quiet sound of a cloak fluttering behind him. Nothing elsehappened in that square that really advanced his plans much. Kelsier dies. "[3] He is referred to by Hoid as "the Lord of Scars. [43], He and Gavilar were working against each other to an unknown extent. During this time, he attempted a second breakin of Kredik Shaw, and was unsuccessful; nearly getting Vin killed in the process. Sure, maybe it would be active for a split second when touching blood or whatever like you said,but as soon as the head passes out of his body on the other side, it wouldnt affect him anymore. [16][35][37], Seeing his powers, Gemmel wondered what he unleashed upon the world in teaching Kelsier allomancy. Some of the Survivor's less pleasant traits include his ruthlessness and prejudice. The Set was not after the Bands of Mourning as originally believed, but rather the airship and bombs located within the temple. Kelsier knocked out Camon with Steelpushes and gave control over the crew to Milev. MellowKween 21 days ago Hmm well like I said, he's never really gone. Kelsier is one of the titular characters of the first Mistborn novel, leading a crew of ruffians and thieves on a mission to assassinate The Lord Ruler, and end his tyranny over the lands of Scadrial. It reacts explosively to water. Though Vin initially is wary and suspicious of him, she eventually learns to trust him, and he becomes somewhat of a father figure to her. The Skaa still would have rebelled, Vin still wouldve gone after TLR, and they still wouldve won. We dont really know if the rebels that stabbed TLR used enough force to get the head of the spear all the way through his body so the metal head of the spear wouldnt be touching him. TLR is like the sacrifices, while Kelsier is like the Inquisitor. [33] As a Cognitive Shadow tied to Scadrial, it is difficult for him to travel to other planets via Shadesmar. lets delve into that a little more deeply, shall we? However, Kelsier is then confronted by the Lord Ruler, who backhands him across the face and then stabs him in the chest with a spear, killing him. Later on, we follow Kelsier having a conversation with Sazed on the events that had happened, the lack of Metalborn, and Sazed's inability to act. He died at the end of the first book in the original trilogy but theres always another secret. To view an earlier version of the wiki without spoilers for a book, go to the Time Machine! See below for the whole section on Kelsier and what hes been up to behind the scenes. After Kelsier died, he became a Cognitive Shadow through the Well of Ascension, making him able to resist the pull of the Beyond. Please note that there are also some spoilers in here for The Stormlight Archive. The mists curled around him, blending into the tassels of his mistcloak. Then Yeden would gain control of the city and the crew would receive the Lord Ruler's atium stash as payment. The Misborn series comes recommended by Eurogamer friend Johnny Chiodini, who describes Fortnite's latest addition thus: "Kelsier is a thief, but he's also a mistborn - a person who can consume. (The Mistborn Saga #1) by Brandon Sanderson (Goodreads Author) 4. That would have advanced his plans quite nicely. He was dead anyways. [24] After his death, OreSeur takes his bones and appears before several groups of skaa, making them believe that Kelsier survived somehow. We left off in TheBands of Mourning with Steris and Wax eloping. After Elendel was saved, Kelsier talked with Harmony, asking him to lead Scadrial into a new technological and Metalborn age so they may be better prepared for future threats and Autonomy's return.[22]. At the beginning of the novella, Kelsier is killed by the Lord Ruler, but refuses to pass on to the Beyond, and instead becomes trapped in the Cognitive Realm, between the Physical and Spiritual realm. Though, in my opinion, I dunno if Ruin would try to forcethe Lord Ruler to kill Kelsier. [16] He gifted Vin a mistcloak and started to teach her Allomancy. [43][77] Merely interacting with Hoid for a brief amount of time was enough to send Kelsier into a murderous rage. But were talking about the Lord Ruler, and he was standing up the whole time. In retaliation, the Lord Ruler executes numerous skaa in public demonstrations. My bad. Kelsier was kind of Ruins agent on Scadrial while he was there, even though he didnt actually have a spike. [24][25][3][26] He is a great agent of chaos and is very good at tearing things down and messing with what other people want. He helped the people there survive using his knowledge of the Metallic Arts, showing them how to make metalminds to store attributes like heat in a way that could be shared with anyone. Breeze would recruit men for the rebellion, Ham would train them in the Arguois caverns, Dockson would direct the operation's finances, Clubs would hide the group's Allomancy with copperclouds, OreSeur in the role of Lord Renoux would buy the necessary equipment, Marsh would infiltrate the Steel Ministry posing as an obligator, Kelsier would use his Mistborn power to make attacks on the nobility to create tension between the houses, and Vin would gather information in the noble court posing as Renoux's niece Valette. He was killed by the Lord Ruler in The Final Empire, but has resurrected. After removing her second spike and adding one of Trellium, she went mad and began working with the Set, and was defeated. On its relevancy, just because it has spawned a discussion does not make it relevant to the present and futureCosmere. [citation needed], To put the plan in motion, Kelsier first targeted Keep Venture, as House Venture was the currently most powerful house in Luthadel and an attack on it would have the greatest impact. [14][21][27], Kelsier is a Mistborn, so he can burn every Allomantic metal, although he is particularly proficient with the external physical metals iron and steel. [34] This spike pins his soul to his bones. He offered to teach her about gold and atium, gave her the money he took from Camon, and allowed her to leave, as he didn't want to force anybody into his crew. Wayne: Waxs loyal sidekick, Wayne has a tendency to borrow things and has an aversion to using guns despite his duty as a lawman. He is presumably the founding member of the Ghostbloods, a secret society investigating the Cosmere and ways to travel between all the different worlds. He once used them in his fight with a Steel Inquisitor, so the metals acted like they were alive, twitching and flying through the air to cut and distract the Steel Inquisitor. As punishment, Kelsier became a Sliver and releasing the Shard of Preservation, Kelsier became Sliver... Not take from him all we know for certain is that its some sort of entity worshiped many... Not Preservation of Mourning as originally believed, but gave up on it after realizing that has... Rebelled, Vin still wouldve gone after TLR, and a group of Elantrians the! On it after realizing that she has a girlfriend an Elendel jail, Suit was visited by a creature. Use this website from him, even though he didnt actually have a spike 's death shocked.. Marsh is aware of Kelsiers current activities as a Cognitive Shadow deep hatred of noblemen days ago Hmm Well I. 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